Bonsais need direct sunlight to grow properly, so you should place your bonsai in a location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. It is also important to protect your bonsai from extreme temperatures and strong winds.

Watering is a crucial part of bonsai care. You should water your bonsai regularly, but be careful not to overwater it as this can damage the roots. The frequency of watering will depend on the species of tree, the size of the pot and the ambient humidity.

Pruning is necessary to maintain the desired shape and size of the bonsai. It is important to use proper and sterilized pruning tools to prevent the spread of disease. It is also important to avoid excessive pruning, as this can weaken the tree.

Protection against pests and diseases
Bonsai trees are vulnerable to pests and diseases, so it is important to inspect your tree regularly for signs of infestation or disease. Act quickly if you detect a problem to prevent it from spreading.
Frequent questions
What is Bonsai?
Bonsai is a practice that involves growing trees in pots in a way that imitates their natural development, but in a much smaller size. Some consider it a set of techniques and others see it as a philosophy of life or a way of contemplating nature. We can define bonsai as an art that seeks to create maximum beauty in a plant in a miniature universe, the pot. This involves specific care such as proper selection of the species, design, pruning, wiring, transplants and regular maintenance. With patience, skill and practice, you can obtain spectacular results and enjoy this practice that unites art and nature.
How long does it take to make a bonsai?
Bonsai is an art that involves living trees, so its natural dynamics cause the tree to be constantly changing. This means that it does not have a defined end point, since there will always be an opportunity to continue working on it. However, there comes a time when we consider that the bonsai already has an established design and it is not necessary to continue perfecting it, but rather to maintain that design. The time it takes to form a bonsai to reach this stage of maturity will depend on several factors, such as the age of the initial tree, the characteristics of the species used and the expectations of the grower. This process can take between 6 and 25 years, depending on these variables. In short, bonsai is a constantly evolving art that requires patience and dedication to achieve the desired beauty.
What do I do with my bonsai when I go on vacation?
Bonsai is a living plant that needs to be cared for and attended to. It is our responsibility to make sure you are safe during our absence. If you plan to go on vacation for a short period of time (up to 2 days) during the summer, one option is to place your bonsais in a tray of water halfway up the pot to keep them hydrated. Remember that bonsai care requires patience and dedication, but with a little planning, you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind knowing that your bonsai is in good hands.
I hope these tips are useful to you in caring for your bonsai and enjoying its beauty for many years. If you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Start this adventure with us and raise your first Bonsai!